Sunday, 13 October 2013

Unit 1: Digital: Texture Layers.

Texture layers. 

Adding texture layers to an image is a fun and creative technique through which to transform a single photograph by merging several layers onto an original image. This technique can produce extra depth as well as having the potential to add a dramatic element to the final image.
In yesterdays session we were asked to go out and photograph a range of textures. We were advised that as photographers it is important to build a collection of textures as it can be very useful to refer back to as well as incorporate within our work.    

I began by producing my base image and then opened it in Photoshop. I converted the image to black and white and then edited the contrasts until i was happy to add the next layer.

I then added a second layer, a textured stone floor, and lowered the opacity so that the original image was still visible underneath. It is important to ensure that the resolution of all the layers are the same as this can create inconsistency and can bring about problems during the editing process. Next, I added a layer mask which enabled me to subtly remove parts of the new layer revealing specific parts of the image underneath. 

For the next layer I added an image of a metal sheet with holes cut into it. I chose this image as I felt the juxtaposition of synthetic against natural materials worked well. Furthermore, I liked the way in which the shapes within the new layer coincided and drew attention to the rounded shape of the main subject, the rocks. Again, I lowered the opacity and used a layer mask to paint parts out using the brush tool.

For my final layer I used an image of autumn leaves lay on the ground. I placed them around the edges of my image and faded them in towards the center. I achieved this by cutting out parts of the layer, placing the cutouts around the edges of the image and feathering them by up to 300 pixels in order to fade them out from the edges.    

Here is a comparison between my initial and  final image using texture layers. After completing this exercise and experimenting with a range of aesthetic forms I have come to the conclusion that using texture layers can be an effective way of adding mood and atmosphere to a photograph. It is clear when comparing my final and initial images that experimenting with different layers, contrasts, and colours can effectively add a specific mood or emotion to an image and so I will definitely refer to this technique in the future. 


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